is one of the fast growing web portal which provides contract labour and manpower suppliers in India. We supply manpower or labours for Constructions, Automobile Industry, Food Industry, Plastic Industry, Educational Institutions, Energy Sector, Bottling Plants, Pharmaceutical Sector and Industrial Housekeeping etc. We also provide skilled, un-skilled, semi-skilled labour or manpower suppliers in India. Other you can contact labour or manpower contractors in India from this portal. We established this portal to combine both the manpower and manpower suppliers in India. Here both the person (labour) and manpower suppliers can post their requirements and their skills then the employers will contact you directly. In the same way employers can post their works or number of labour requirements then labours and manpower suppliers/providers can contact them. Getting a work through Lallabi labour camp is very simple. To know more details or to advertise or to get manpower you can call us @ 080-46616600